For the Gamers

If you game using 15mm (1:100 scale), 20mm (1:72 scale) and 28mm(1:56 scale) figs then I most certainly have some interesting  tabletop items for you here in the Wargaming section. 

Whether its vehicles, terrain, accessories or just something downright unusual, my resin models will help add to your gaming experience. 

All are cast in polyurethane resin from scratch built originals made by me.

My range of vehicles in particular was inspired by my own gaming experience.  They are designed to be quickly assembled and painted so you can get to the table as rapidly as possible. They are robust for maximum play and all the rough handling that goes with it. I don’t add on lots of small detail items which end up getting broken off when the club 'Shrek' wades in to move some AFV up to engage the enemy. However adding extra detail is easy.

Don’t forget to check out the railway section too as many of my scenery and building models will work on your games table as well.

For the OO Railway modellers.

If you are running a layout on OO track you will find some really unusual items here. Buildings, line-side accessories, boats, harbours, canals, wagon loads and all sorts of unusual and quirky models for the track side and beyond. Things to help you set those interesting scenes on the miniature world you have created.

Nearly all my OO models are made to 1:76 scale (4mm to the foot), with the exception of my road vehicles and some of the wargames friendly scenery models, which are 1:72 scale. This is because I originally created items for the wargames table.

When you click on any item you will find details of dimensions to help you make your choice. 

Also please don’t forget to visit the gallery and blog pages to see more of the models I produce in action settings.

I look forward to helping supply you with some amazing models, and in the meantime wish you every success with your own projects and creations.


ANYSCALE MODELS is a family run business specialising in the scratch building of new and exciting models for you the model railway enthusiast and wargamer.

I started in 2014 with some simple packing crates and now there are over 700 items in my online shop.  The model making started long before this though. In fact it was back in the 60's when I started making models for my own projects.

With over 50 years of modelling experience behind me, I am dedicated to continually creating new and unique scale models that are then replicated and cast in polyurethane resin for you to use in your own amazing projects.

I don’t use 3d printing and instead rely on hand made originals in plasticard and a whole host of materials.  I do like 3d printing, I just don't work this way.

I am a railway modeller and wargamer and see no reason why the two cant co-exist.  Have a look at the picture gallery and you will see my own OO model railway being used to game upon.

I want you to be able to get the maximum enjoyment from your hobby and so I will continue to listen to and consider your requests and ideas. I can’t promise to make every item that you ask for, but in many cases they do eventually make it into the  ever growing catalogue of products.

Please enjoy looking through the extensive product lists and don’t forget to explore some of the other tabs on the  ANYSCALE MODELS site where you will find more inspirational photos, videos and ideas.  There are always great new products and articles being added so please look in regularly.

All the best.   Stuart.